Welcome to BitzAnalysiz[], a site about in-depth analysis of World of Tanks Blitz game statistics. You should be automatically taken to Latest stats.
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- In total, there were 105M battles by 403k players recorded in the database during the update 8.4.
In total, there were 139M battles by 402k players recorded in the database during the update 8.3.
The TOP20 best performing tanks list has undergone some big changes.
2021-09-18 Update 8.2 final stats added Final stats for update 8.2 have been added.
In total, there were 107M battles by 400k players recorded in the database during the update 8.2.
The TOP20 best performing tanks list has not significant changes. Annihilator was nerfed via MM in update 8.1 and it has since dropped from the list. It is still insanely powerful tank, but meets always another Anni in the red team so easy farming days in completely broken tank are over. Crocodile’s tears from me, boys.
2021-08-29 Measuring tank performance, part II Measuring and comparing tanks’ performance was my key motivation behind the decision to develop the BlitzAnalysiz[] site. In a Measuring tank performance, part I I showed how tanks’ player bases differ from each other and why thus Average WR is a poor measure for comparing tanks’ performance. Have a look at the differences among the Tiger II and Somua SM players’ WR at tier VIII stats. There is over 8% difference between the tanks’ players average WR at tier VIII. That is huge difference and therefore it’s clear the average WR of
Somua SM is far higher than that of Tiger II.2021-08-22 Update 8.1 final stats added Final stats for update 8.1 have been added.
In total, there were 125M battles by 415k players recorded in the database during the update 8.1.
This time there is a major change in the TOP20 best performing tanks
2021-07-17 Update 8.0 final stats added Final stats for update 8.0 have been added.
In total, there were 152M battles by 477k players recorded in the database during the update 8.0.
Not much changes in the best performing tanks:
2021-06-11 Update 7.9 final stats added Final stats for update 7.9 have been added.
In total, there were 199M battles by 492k players recorded in the database during the update 7.9.
It is getting boring the report the best performing tanks - the same ones keep topping the charts update after update in slightly different order:
2021-05-02 Update 7.8 final stats added Final stats for update 7.8 have been added.
In total, there were 169M battles by 483k players recorded in the database during the update 7.8.
It is getting boring the report the best performing tanks - the same ones keep topping the charts update after update in slightly different order:
2021-03-26 Update 7.7 final stats added Final stats for update 7.7 have been added.
In total, there were 236M battles by 481k players recorded in the database during the update 7.7.
Familiar & well-armored tanks took the top spots in tank performance rankings: 1) Object 252U,
2021-03-13 Vehicle Class (Im)Balance I my view, the game became more boring after WG added Vehicle Class Matching rules into the MatchMaker (update 5.1). The exact vehicle class matching rules have been adjusted since, but basically the Vehicle Class Matching limits the number of Tank Destroyers and Light Tanks per team and makes sure there is only +/-1 tank difference between the teams across the vehicle classes. This results mirrored teams causing monotonic battles. In my view, most of the vehicle class matching rules should be abolished, but I know well how I am in the minority here.
2021-02-27 Update 7.6 final stats added Final stats for update 7.6 have been added.
update 7.6 marked a great milestone for the site. BlitzAnalysiz[] is now tracking the performance of more than 1 million players!
In total, there were 328M battles by 515k players recorded in the database during the update 7.6.
2021-02-27 1 Million players BlitzAnalysiz[] recently reach an impressive milestone: the site’s database tracks now over 1 million players! That’s is a big number so let’s have a look on the player base.
Career WR
The chart below shows player’s career WR over those 1M players. The career WR distribution seems almost normal distribution, but only almost. The right-hand side “tail” is reaching further from the mean vs. the left-hand side and the mean WR is above 50%. This seems impossible. This is likely related to the sampling of the players, since more active players are more likely to end up in the the database. Many players (38%) have given up the game or at least have not played in 2021. It seems the the success of the player does not influence on the decision to give up on the game - at least among those who have ended into the database.
2021-01-31 Update 7.5 final stats added Final stats for update 7.5 have been added.
In total, there were mind-blowing 452M battles by 610k players recorded in the database during the update 7.5. These are by far the largest numbers ever record at BlitzAnalysiz[]. Please note, these are not all the WoT Blitz players, just those tracked by BlitzAnalysiz[].
2020-12-11 Update 7.4 stats added Final stats for update 7.4 have been added.
In total, there were 208M battles by 491k players recorded in the database during the update 7.4 so far. Please note, these are note all the WoT Blitz players, just those tracked by BlitzAnalysiz[].
2020-12-03 The most OP tanks - ever A fellow tanker asked a simple question of “what is the most OP regular tank in Blitz of all time?”. A fair question and something I would have not been able to guess.
2020-11-13 Update 7.3 stats added Stats for update 7.3 have been added.
Total 230M battles by 484k players recorded in the database during the update 7.3. Please note, these are note all the WoT Blitz players, just those tracked by BlitzAnalysiz[].
2020-11-10 Rigged MM Now there is evidence (for Mad & Burning Games).
Few weeks back I opened Discord to find out how someone had sent me tens of messages saying he thinks “WG is rigging the Burning Games MM”. I did not know him, and at first I put him into the same category with other countless players accusing “the MM is rigged” - usually without providing any proper evidence.
2020-10-11 Update 7.2 stats added Stats for update 7.2 have been added.
Record 205M battles by 456k players was recorded in the database. Please note, these are note all the WoT Blitz players, just those tracked by BlitzAnalysiz[].
2020-08-27 Update 7.1 stats added Stats for update 7.1 have been added. Now tank pages are available to all tiers for current and previous main udpate version.
Premium tanks (and especially the pricey loot-box tanks) continue to dominate the tier VIII stats tank rankings. 13 out of 15 best performing tanks are premium tanks. Is the game slipping step-by-step towards Pay-2-Win?
2020-08-14 Tank-specific pages added Big update! Tank-specific pages have been added to the site (E 100). The pages show detailed analysis of each tier V-X tank. One of the most interesting graphs is the Relative WR for different player skill-levels. WR at the tier is used as a measure for players’ skill. It tells how well the tank is performing for different skill-level players relative to the other players’ other same tier tanks.
2020-07-16 Update 7.0 stats added Added stats for update 7.0. Interestingly, the player base tracked played far less battles during the update compared to the previous update despite the update interval being very long due to the WG release schedule.
2020-06-17 Update 6.10 stats added Stats for update 6.10 has been added to the site. How did the ATGM tanks actually perform? Did Sheridan deserve its upcoming nerf in update 7.0? (no, it was nowhere near the top…)
2020-06-08 Measuring tank performance Updated 2020-08-11
Over-Powered (OP) tanks are maybe the 2nd most popular topic on Blitz YouTube videos and online chats
- right after “the Matchmaker”. I have long held the view that if a tank is “OP”, this has to be visible in statistics. Otherwise there are only qualitative / subjective views left and those come in all sorts.
2020-05-16 Stats since update 6.0 added I have been busy cleaning up the codebase and fixing tons of little issues. Here are main updates:
Stats since update 6.0
I have added stats for updates since 6.0 to the site. Please note that while certain graphs like WR vs. Battles played - update 6.0 show big differences between 6.0 and 6.9, the changes in the underlying game statistics are likely less, but are caused just BlitzAnalysiz[] collecting data more players and especially more new/less active players.
2020-05-07 launched Hy! is a site about in-depth game statistics of Wargaming’s World of Tanks Blitz. You won’t find individial player statistics here - for those, please check awesome Instead, the the site is about analysis of the player population and tank performance statistics.
Other great WoT Blitz sites
- The Official WoT Blitz game site by Wargaming
- BlitzStars - Player statistics
- BlitzStars Tank Compare - Tank comparison tool
- Blitz Hangar - Tank knowledge base
- - Tank armor analysis, Replays, Map inspector and more
Final stats for update 8.4 have been added.
New (premium) tanks have entered the TOP20 best performing tanks list.
Final stats for update 8.3 have been added.