Tier X Premium Tanks

NationVehicle ClassTank
USSRMedium TankObject 907
USSRMedium TankT-22 medium
USSRHeavy TankObject 260
USSRHeavy TankObject 777 Version II
USSRTank DestroyerObject 268 Version 4
GermanyMedium TankKampfpanzer 50 t
GermanyHeavy TankVK 90.01 (P)
USAMedium TankM60
USAHeavy TankConcept 1B
USAHeavy TankT95E6
USATank DestroyerXM66F
ChinaMedium Tank121B
ChinaHeavy Tank114 SP2
ChinaHeavy Tank116-F3
ChinaHeavy TankWZ-111 model 5A
FranceMedium TankAMX 30 B
FranceHeavy TankAMX M4 mle. 54
UKHeavy TankChieftain Mk. 6
UKHeavy TankSuper Conqueror
UKTank DestroyerFV217 Badger
EuropeMedium TankCarro da Combattimento 45t
EuropeHeavy TankStrv K

All the graphs are based on battles played during update 10.8 only (not cumulative data).

The Best Performing Tanks

Highest Relative WR

The graph shows tier X Premium Tanks by Relative WR. That is the average of players’ WR in a tank compared to their average WR at the tier (in all same tier tanks). Relative WR is a measure of the performance/strength of the tank.

  • All the statistics are about battles fought during the update 10.8 only.
  • The graph shows averages over all the player skill-levels. Well-armored tanks tend to do better in the hands of less-skilled players and thus those tanks tend to have higher (average) Relative WR even in the hands of skilled players those could do relatively worse.
  • The impact of “Stock-grind battles” is reduced based on tier-specific requirement for total battles at the end of the update. Only players with more than 0-152 (depending on the tier) battles in a tank in the end of the update are included to eliminate the impact of the first battles in the tank (with sub-100% crew / modules).
  • The players need to have 10-20 battles in a tank and 20-40 battles at the tier during the update.
  • Average WR is the players’s average WR in the tank
  • Player WR at Tier is the average WR of the players of the tank at the tier. Since different tiers have different difficulty, it is more meaningful to compare players’ performance in the same tier tanks.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR

Relative WR - Table

TankRelative WRAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle Class
Object 268 Version 41.75%51.7%50%1 88080.9Tank Destroyer
FV217 Badger1.36%52.2%50.9%1 54091.1Tank Destroyer
XM66F1.26%56%54.7%38585.5Tank Destroyer
Strv K1%53.3%52.2%67586.7Heavy Tank
VK 90.01 (P)0.83%52.7%51.8%3 06084.1Heavy Tank
Concept 1B0.76%53%52.2%1 02084.6Heavy Tank
T95E60.72%53.4%52.7%2 15081.1Heavy Tank
Super Conqueror0.56%51%50.4%3 20069.0Heavy Tank
Object 777 Version II0.45%51.8%51.3%1 14094.9Heavy Tank
Object 2600.4%49.2%48.8%80675.7Heavy Tank
M600.35%52.2%51.8%1 44080.0Medium Tank
Chieftain Mk. 60.2%51.3%51.1%4 32067.0Heavy Tank
T-22 medium0%51.8%51.8%1 37062.2Medium Tank
AMX M4 mle. 54-0.09%50.7%50.8%94161.7Heavy Tank
Carro da Combattimento 45t-0.17%51.9%52%3 30095.7Medium Tank
Kampfpanzer 50 t-0.2%53.1%53.3%1 67077.6Medium Tank
WZ-111 model 5A-0.32%48.5%48.8%88972.0Heavy Tank
Object 907-0.4%52.9%53.3%1 61082.4Medium Tank
AMX 30 B-0.63%52.5%53.2%2 50080.1Medium Tank
121B-0.96%49.5%50.4%96167.4Medium Tank

Relative WR by player skill-level

Players’ average WR at the tier is used as a measure for players’ skill.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR_topN_65_ plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR_topN_65_

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR_topN_55_65 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR_topN_55_65

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR_topN_45_55 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR_topN_45_55

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR_topN_0_45 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR_topN_0_45

Average WR

This graph shows X Premium Tanks ranked by players’ average WR in the tanks. Player WR denotes the tank’s players’ average WR across all the tier X tanks during the update. Only tanks with more than 200 players are listed. This may filter out few upcoming tanks that are being tested.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_WR plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_WR

Average WR - Table

Average WR denotes average WR in a tank across all the players during the update. Player WR denotes the tank’s players’ average WR across all the tanks during the update.

TankAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle Class
XM66F55.8%54.6%39985.8Tank Destroyer
T95E652.8%52.2%2 35083.4Heavy Tank
Kampfpanzer 50 t52.6%53%1 78078.8Medium Tank
Strv K52.5%51.8%75288.9Heavy Tank
Concept 1B52.4%51.9%1 12086.5Heavy Tank
Object 90752.4%53%1 73083.2Medium Tank
VK 90.01 (P)52.3%51.7%3 32084.6Heavy Tank
AMX 30 B52.1%52.9%2 67081.2Medium Tank
FV217 Badger51.8%50.6%1 69092.3Tank Destroyer
M6051.8%51.6%1 55082.7Medium Tank
T-22 medium51.4%51.4%1 46064.4Medium Tank
Carro da Combattimento 45t51.4%51.7%3 56096.5Medium Tank
Object 777 Version II51.3%51%1 25098.6Heavy Tank
Object 268 Version 451.3%49.8%2 08081.4Tank Destroyer
Chieftain Mk. 651%50.9%4 71069.5Heavy Tank
Super Conqueror50.6%50.2%3 51070.3Heavy Tank
AMX M4 mle. 5450.1%50.4%1 05066.8Heavy Tank
121B48.9%50%1 10070.2Medium Tank
Object 26048.3%48.2%93780.3Heavy Tank
WZ-111 model 5A47.9%48.4%1 03079.9Heavy Tank

Average Damage

This graph shows X Premium Tanks ranked by players’ average damage in the tanks.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_avg_dmg plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_avg_dmg

Average Damage - Table

TankAverage DamageAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle Class
XM66F2 18055.8%54.6%39985.8Tank Destroyer
VK 90.01 (P)2 06052.3%51.7%3 32084.6Heavy Tank
T95E62 04052.8%52.2%2 35083.4Heavy Tank
Chieftain Mk. 61 99051%50.9%4 71069.5Heavy Tank
Carro da Combattimento 45t1 98051.4%51.7%3 56096.5Medium Tank
Concept 1B1 98052.4%51.9%1 12086.5Heavy Tank
Strv K1 96052.5%51.8%75288.9Heavy Tank
Kampfpanzer 50 t1 95052.6%53%1 78078.8Medium Tank
AMX 30 B1 95052.1%52.9%2 67081.2Medium Tank
Object 9071 92052.4%53%1 73083.2Medium Tank
Object 777 Version II1 92051.3%51%1 25098.6Heavy Tank
Super Conqueror1 91050.6%50.2%3 51070.3Heavy Tank
M601 89051.8%51.6%1 55082.7Medium Tank
FV217 Badger1 88051.8%50.6%1 69092.3Tank Destroyer
T-22 medium1 79051.4%51.4%1 46064.4Medium Tank
AMX M4 mle. 541 79050.1%50.4%1 05066.8Heavy Tank
WZ-111 model 5A1 78047.9%48.4%1 03079.9Heavy Tank
Object 268 Version 41 78051.3%49.8%2 08081.4Tank Destroyer
Object 2601 72048.3%48.2%93780.3Heavy Tank
121B1 71048.9%50%1 10070.2Medium Tank

Average Kills/Battle

This graph shows X Premium Tanks ranked by players’ average kills per battle.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_avg_kills plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_avg_kills

Average Kills/Battle - Table

TankAverage Kills/BattleAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle Class
Carro da Combattimento 45t0.9051.4%51.7%3 56096.5Medium Tank
XM66F0.8655.8%54.6%39985.8Tank Destroyer
Object 9070.8652.4%53%1 73083.2Medium Tank
Kampfpanzer 50 t0.8552.6%53%1 78078.8Medium Tank
AMX 30 B0.8352.1%52.9%2 67081.2Medium Tank
T95E60.8152.8%52.2%2 35083.4Heavy Tank
T-22 medium0.7851.4%51.4%1 46064.4Medium Tank
Concept 1B0.7852.4%51.9%1 12086.5Heavy Tank
Strv K0.7852.5%51.8%75288.9Heavy Tank
M600.7851.8%51.6%1 55082.7Medium Tank
Chieftain Mk. 60.7751%50.9%4 71069.5Heavy Tank
VK 90.01 (P)0.7552.3%51.7%3 32084.6Heavy Tank
FV217 Badger0.7451.8%50.6%1 69092.3Tank Destroyer
Object 777 Version II0.7351.3%51%1 25098.6Heavy Tank
121B0.7248.9%50%1 10070.2Medium Tank
Super Conqueror0.7150.6%50.2%3 51070.3Heavy Tank
Object 268 Version 40.6951.3%49.8%2 08081.4Tank Destroyer
Object 2600.6748.3%48.2%93780.3Heavy Tank
AMX M4 mle. 540.6750.1%50.4%1 05066.8Heavy Tank
WZ-111 model 5A0.6447.9%48.4%1 03079.9Heavy Tank

Spot Rate

This graph shows X Premium Tanks ranked by players’ spot rate in the tanks.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_spot_rate plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_spot_rate

Spot Rate - Table

TankSpot RateAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle Class
AMX 30 B1.6752.1%52.9%2 67081.2Medium Tank
Object 9071.6252.4%53%1 73083.2Medium Tank
M601.5851.8%51.6%1 55082.7Medium Tank
T-22 medium1.5451.4%51.4%1 46064.4Medium Tank
Kampfpanzer 50 t1.4952.6%53%1 78078.8Medium Tank
121B1.4448.9%50%1 10070.2Medium Tank
T95E61.3152.8%52.2%2 35083.4Heavy Tank
Carro da Combattimento 45t1.2851.4%51.7%3 56096.5Medium Tank
Concept 1B1.2352.4%51.9%1 12086.5Heavy Tank
Strv K1.2052.5%51.8%75288.9Heavy Tank
Object 777 Version II1.2051.3%51%1 25098.6Heavy Tank
WZ-111 model 5A1.1647.9%48.4%1 03079.9Heavy Tank
AMX M4 mle. 541.1650.1%50.4%1 05066.8Heavy Tank
Object 2601.1548.3%48.2%93780.3Heavy Tank
Chieftain Mk. 61.1151%50.9%4 71069.5Heavy Tank
Super Conqueror1.1150.6%50.2%3 51070.3Heavy Tank
VK 90.01 (P)1.1052.3%51.7%3 32084.6Heavy Tank
XM66F0.8555.8%54.6%39985.8Tank Destroyer
Object 268 Version 40.7651.3%49.8%2 08081.4Tank Destroyer
FV217 Badger0.7251.8%50.6%1 69092.3Tank Destroyer

Hit Rate

This graph shows X Premium Tanks ranked by players’ hit rate in the tanks.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_hit_rate plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_hit_rate

Hit Rate - Table

TankHit RateAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle Class
Object 777 Version II86%51.3%51%1 25098.6Heavy Tank
Super Conqueror85.9%50.6%50.2%3 51070.3Heavy Tank
Carro da Combattimento 45t85.8%51.4%51.7%3 56096.5Medium Tank
VK 90.01 (P)85.8%52.3%51.7%3 32084.6Heavy Tank
Chieftain Mk. 685.7%51%50.9%4 71069.5Heavy Tank
Concept 1B85.6%52.4%51.9%1 12086.5Heavy Tank
Object 26085.2%48.3%48.2%93780.3Heavy Tank
Strv K85%52.5%51.8%75288.9Heavy Tank
WZ-111 model 5A85%47.9%48.4%1 03079.9Heavy Tank
T95E685%52.8%52.2%2 35083.4Heavy Tank
T-22 medium84.8%51.4%51.4%1 46064.4Medium Tank
Object 90784.6%52.4%53%1 73083.2Medium Tank
AMX 30 B84.4%52.1%52.9%2 67081.2Medium Tank
AMX M4 mle. 5484.2%50.1%50.4%1 05066.8Heavy Tank
M6084.1%51.8%51.6%1 55082.7Medium Tank
121B84%48.9%50%1 10070.2Medium Tank
Kampfpanzer 50 t83.8%52.6%53%1 78078.8Medium Tank
XM66F83.7%55.8%54.6%39985.8Tank Destroyer
Object 268 Version 482.1%51.3%49.8%2 08081.4Tank Destroyer
FV217 Badger81.4%51.8%50.6%1 69092.3Tank Destroyer

This graph shows most popular tier X Premium Tanks tanks by players.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_most_popular plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_most_popular

Most played Tanks

This graph shows the most played tier X Premium Tanks by number of battles during the update 10.8.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_most_played plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_most_played

Most Played Tanks - Table

TankBattlesAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle Class
VK 90.01 (P)1.03000M49.8%51.8%60 70017.0Heavy Tank
Carro da Combattimento 45t0.77000M49%52%36 40021.1Medium Tank
FV217 Badger0.74200M50%51.4%46 40016.0Tank Destroyer
Chieftain Mk. 60.74100M49.2%51.5%50 80014.6Heavy Tank
Super Conqueror0.65700M49.4%51.4%46 60014.1Heavy Tank
Object 268 Version 40.63400M49.6%51.1%45 40014.0Tank Destroyer
T95E60.55600M49.1%52%35 90015.5Heavy Tank
Concept 1B0.54800M48.1%51.6%41 20013.3Heavy Tank
AMX 30 B0.49700M48%51.9%29 00017.1Medium Tank
Object 9070.49400M47.7%51.8%36 70013.5Medium Tank
Object 777 Version II0.48700M49.8%51.9%31 00015.7Heavy Tank
Kampfpanzer 50 t0.46200M48.8%52.2%32 30014.3Medium Tank
Strv K0.39100M47.9%51.6%32 80011.9Heavy Tank
M600.38900M47.8%51%32 00012.2Medium Tank
T-22 medium0.31700M49%51.7%30 40010.4Medium Tank
Object 2600.30200M47.2%50.8%26 10011.5Heavy Tank
WZ-111 model 5A0.28700M47%50.5%24 20011.8Heavy Tank
AMX M4 mle. 540.27000M48.6%51.5%22 50012.0Heavy Tank
121B0.26600M47%51.1%25 40010.5Medium Tank
XM66F0.07530M54.9%55%5 51013.7Tank Destroyer
114 SP20.00919M55.3%56.7%46319.9Heavy Tank