Career stats
This page shows statistics of players’ battles fought during their Blitz “career” until the end of update 11.0.
In total, 1.67M players played during update 11.0.
Battles per Player
Number of career/cumulative battles per player in the end of the update 11.0.

An average player has played 4199 battles by the end of update 11.0.
Median battle count was 636 and the largest number of battles recorded by a single
player (in the dataset) was 289k battles. The following tables shows battle
counts by N% most inactive players during the update (i.e. “90% most inactive” == “10% most active”).
Battles per Player table
Show table
The table below shows the (max) number of battles played until the end of 11.0 by the
X% most inactive players. Reading tip: 10% most active players have played more than the
90% most inactive players.
% of Players | Battles |
0% | 1 |
5% | 3 |
10% | 8 |
15% | 18 |
20% | 32 |
25% | 53 |
30% | 91 |
35% | 155 |
40% | 260 |
45% | 423 |
50% | 636 |
55% | 906 |
60% | 1 280 |
65% | 1 800 |
70% | 2 500 |
75% | 3 540 |
80% | 5 010 |
85% | 7 140 |
90% | 11 300 |
91% | 12 700 |
92% | 14 200 |
93% | 16 100 |
94% | 18 500 |
95% | 21 400 |
96% | 25 200 |
97% | 30 200 |
98% | 37 600 |
99% | 50 400 |
100% | 289 000 |
Player WR distribution
The following graph shows a histogram of players (y-axis) based on their career WR (x-axis).
Only players with 500 battles or more are included.

Show table
Career WR | Share % | Cumulative share % |
20% | 0.02% | 0.78% |
21% | 0% | 0.78% |
22% | 0% | 0.78% |
23% | 0% | 0.79% |
24% | 0% | 0.79% |
25% | 0.07% | 0.86% |
26% | 0% | 0.86% |
27% | 0% | 0.86% |
28% | 0.01% | 0.87% |
29% | 0.02% | 0.89% |
30% | 0.01% | 0.9% |
31% | 0.01% | 0.9% |
32% | 0.01% | 0.92% |
33% | 0.01% | 0.92% |
34% | 0.25% | 1.18% |
35% | 0.02% | 1.2% |
36% | 0.03% | 1.22% |
37% | 0.05% | 1.27% |
38% | 0.09% | 1.36% |
39% | 0.12% | 1.48% |
40% | 0.31% | 1.78% |
41% | 0.35% | 2.14% |
42% | 0.68% | 2.81% |
43% | 1.19% | 4% |
44% | 1.84% | 5.84% |
45% | 2.71% | 8.55% |
46% | 3.57% | 12.1% |
47% | 4.37% | 16.5% |
48% | 4.93% | 21.4% |
49% | 5.23% | 26.7% |
50% | 6.57% | 33.2% |
51% | 5.02% | 38.2% |
52% | 4.93% | 43.2% |
53% | 4.48% | 47.7% |
54% | 4.04% | 51.7% |
55% | 3.62% | 55.3% |
56% | 3.21% | 58.5% |
57% | 2.77% | 61.3% |
58% | 2.54% | 63.8% |
59% | 2.19% | 66% |
60% | 2.32% | 68.4% |
61% | 1.59% | 69.9% |
62% | 1.56% | 71.5% |
63% | 1.47% | 73% |
64% | 1.3% | 74.3% |
65% | 1.17% | 75.4% |
66% | 1% | 76.4% |
67% | 1.86% | 78.3% |
68% | 0.83% | 79.1% |
69% | 0.83% | 80% |
70% | 0.95% | 80.9% |
71% | 0.67% | 81.6% |
72% | 0.88% | 82.5% |
73% | 0.67% | 83.1% |
74% | 0.65% | 83.8% |
75% | 1.42% | 85.2% |
76% | 0.35% | 85.5% |
77% | 0.59% | 86.1% |
78% | 0.6% | 86.7% |
79% | 0.52% | 87.2% |
80% | 1.07% | 88.3% |
Current WR vs. Career Battles played
This graph shows Player WR during the update 11.0 vs. player career battles. Average tier is not taken into account.

Career WR vs. Career Battles played
This graph shows Player career WR vs. career battles. Average tier is not taken into account.

Average Tier
The following graph shows a histogram of share of players (y-axis) average tier (x-axis). Only players with more than 500 battles during their Blitz “career” are included.

WR vs. Average Tier
This graph shows player Career WR vs. average tier until the end of update 11.0. Minimum 500 battles required.

Battles per Tier
This graph shows average number of career battles per tier.

Most popular Tanks by Players
This graph shows the tanks with the most players. This counts all the battles played until the end of the update. More Tank Statistics here.

Most popular Tanks - Table
Show table
Most played Tanks
This graph shows the most played tanks by their owners during their career. More Tank Statistics here.

Most played Tanks - Table
Show table
Tank | Battles | Average WR | Players | Battles/Player | Tank type |
FV215b (183) | 110.0M | 47.8% | 228 000 | 480.0 | Researchable |
Waffenträger auf Pz. IV | 86.3M | 50.8% | 213 000 | 405.0 | Researchable |
KV-2 | 86.0M | 50.7% | 432 000 | 199.0 | Researchable |
E 100 | 83.0M | 49.8% | 280 000 | 296.0 | Researchable |
Tiger II | 71.3M | 48.7% | 429 000 | 166.0 | Researchable |
Grille 15 | 71.3M | 48.1% | 181 000 | 395.0 | Researchable |
IS-7 | 68.8M | 49.7% | 227 000 | 304.0 | Researchable |
Tiger I | 67.9M | 50.3% | 414 000 | 164.0 | Researchable |
KV-1S | 63.8M | 50.5% | 461 000 | 138.0 | Researchable |
ISU-152 | 63.1M | 48.6% | 279 000 | 226.0 | Researchable |
VK 16.02 Leopard | 62.6M | 50.3% | 552 000 | 113.0 | Researchable |
T57 Heavy Tank | 60.3M | 49.5% | 190 000 | 317.0 | Researchable |
SU-152 | 59.6M | 50.6% | 334 000 | 179.0 | Researchable |
IS-3 | 59.4M | 49.1% | 320 000 | 185.0 | Researchable |
E 75 | 57.2M | 49.2% | 327 000 | 175.0 | Researchable |
T49 | 57.2M | 49.2% | 245 000 | 233.0 | Researchable |
Jagdpanzer E 100 | 56.9M | 49.7% | 214 000 | 266.0 | Researchable |
Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger | 56.1M | 48.6% | 248 000 | 227.0 | Researchable |
T-54 | 54.8M | 49.6% | 195 000 | 281.0 | Researchable |
KV-1 | 54.4M | 52% | 670 000 | 81.2 | Researchable |
Most Battles by Player
This graph shows the most played tanks by their owners during their career (=battles/players). More Tank Statistics here.

Most Played Tanks - Table
Show table