Tier VI Premium Tanks

Show Tanks
NationVehicle ClassTank
USSRMedium TankLoza’s M4-A2 Sherman
USSRMedium TankT-34-85 Victory
USSRMedium TankTriumphant
USSRHeavy TankObject 244
USSRHeavy TankT-150
USSRHeavy TankThunder
USSRTank DestroyerSU-100Y
GermanyLight TankAgent
GermanyMedium TankPz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm
GermanyMedium TankU-Panzer
GermanyMedium TankVK 30.02 (M)
GermanyHeavy TankBarkhan
GermanyHeavy TankIcebreaker
GermanyHeavy TankTiger 131
GermanyTank DestroyerDicker Max
GermanyTank DestroyerEpsilon
GermanyTank DestroyerKryos
USALight TankFrosty
USALight TankRanger
USALight TankT21
USAMedium TankBLTZ9000
USAMedium TankM4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo
USAMedium TankM4A3E8 Fury
USAMedium TankRudolph
USAHeavy TankCyborg
USAHeavy TankMagnus
USAHeavy TankPawlack Tank
USATank DestroyerEnforcer
ChinaLight TankType 64
ChinaLight TankWind
ChinaMedium TankOx
ChinaTank DestroyerPanlong
FranceLight TankAMXmas
FranceMedium TankBretagne Panther
FranceHeavy TankEraser BP44
FranceTank DestroyerCharles
FranceTank DestroyerPirate
UKMedium TankAC IV Sentinel
UKMedium TankCromwell B
UKMedium TankExplorer
UKHeavy TankBlasteroid
UKHeavy TankChurchill Mk. VI
UKHeavy TankChurchill VIII
UKHeavy TankChurchill W
UKHeavy TankTOG II*
UKTank DestroyerChurchill Gun Carrier
UKTank DestroyerDreadnought
JapanMedium TankFirefly Saunders SP
JapanHeavy TankFerrum
JapanHeavy TankTiger Kuromorimine SP
OtherLight TankRover
OtherLight TankTitan T24 57
OtherMedium TankStridsvagn 74A2
OtherMedium TankY5 Firefly
OtherHeavy TankTitan-150
EuropeMedium TankAeonix
EuropeMedium TankP.43/06 anniversario
EuropeMedium TankPudel
EuropeMedium TankShadowhunter
EuropeMedium TankSpark
EuropeMedium TankTurbo
EuropeHeavy TankOutcast

All the graphs are based on battles played during update 11.3 only (not cumulative data).

The Best Performing Tanks

Highest Relative WR

The graph shows tier VI Premium Tanks by Relative WR. That is the average of players’ WR in a tank compared to their average WR at the tier (in all same tier tanks). Relative WR is a measure of the performance/strength of the tank.

Show details
  • All the statistics are about battles fought during the update 11.3 only.
  • The graph shows averages over all the player skill-levels. Well-armored tanks tend to do better in the hands of less-skilled players and thus those tanks tend to have higher (average) Relative WR even in the hands of skilled players those could do relatively worse.
  • The impact of “Stock-grind battles” is reduced based on tier-specific requirement for total battles at the end of the update. Only players with more than 0-152 (depending on the tier) battles in a tank in the end of the update are included to eliminate the impact of the first battles in the tank (with sub-100% crew / modules).
  • The players need to have 10-20 battles in a tank and 20-40 battles at the tier during the update.
  • Average WR is the players’s average WR in the tank
  • Player WR at Tier is the average WR of the players of the tank at the tier. Since different tiers have different difficulty, it is more meaningful to compare players’ performance in the same tier tanks.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR

Relative WR - Table

Show table
TankRelative WRAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle Class
Blasteroid2.2%52.3%50.1%1 92068.6Heavy Tank
Churchill Mk. VI1.71%54.9%53.2%30974.1Heavy Tank
Kryos1.68%57.5%55.8%72999.4Tank Destroyer
Churchill VIII1.66%53.7%52%36967.8Heavy Tank
TOG II*1.51%53.5%52%30770.0Heavy Tank
Object 2441.31%53.8%52.5%41258.5Heavy Tank
Tiger Kuromorimine SP0.61%52.8%52.2%20981.8Heavy Tank
Dicker Max0.53%51.9%51.4%80973.9Tank Destroyer
Stridsvagn 74A20.46%51.3%50.8%98662.1Medium Tank
Bretagne Panther0.45%52.7%52.2%52955.0Medium Tank
SU-100Y0.13%51.1%50.9%1 51093.7Tank Destroyer
Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm-0.15%50%50.1%2 04064.8Medium Tank
Cromwell B-0.22%52.6%52.8%43960.3Medium Tank
AC IV Sentinel-0.25%49.8%50.1%38282.7Medium Tank
Frosty-0.27%48.3%48.6%1 09058.3Light Tank
Explorer-0.48%48.3%48.8%63258.4Medium Tank
Y5 Firefly-0.73%48.3%49%68962.2Medium Tank
Tiger 131-0.73%49%49.7%37461.1Heavy Tank
Pudel-1.38%49.5%50.9%20566.1Medium Tank

Relative WR by player skill-level

Players’ average WR at the tier is used as a measure for players’ skill.

Relative WR - 65%+ players

Not enough players to calculate Relative WR

Relative WR - 55-65% players

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR_topN_55_65 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR_topN_55_65

Relative WR - 45-55% players

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR_topN_45_55 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR_topN_45_55

Relative WR - 0-45% players

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR_topN_0_45 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_Relative_WR_topN_0_45

Average WR

This graph shows VI Premium Tanks ranked by players’ average WR in the tanks. Player WR denotes the tank’s players’ average WR across all the tier VI tanks during the update. Only tanks with more than 200 players are listed. This may filter out few upcoming tanks that are being tested.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_WR plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_WR

Average WR - Table

Average WR denotes average WR in a tank across all the players during the update. Player WR denotes the tank’s players’ average WR across all the tanks during the update.

Show table
TankAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle Class
Kryos57.8%56%94194.3Tank Destroyer
Churchill Mk. VI56.3%54.3%49267.4Heavy Tank
TOG II*55%53.3%49866.3Heavy Tank
Churchill VIII54.8%52.6%49368.8Heavy Tank
Object 24454.4%52.9%56057.2Heavy Tank
Bretagne Panther54.1%52.9%78752.2Medium Tank
Cromwell B53.4%53.3%62458.1Medium Tank
Blasteroid52.7%51.1%3 25065.3Heavy Tank
Tiger Kuromorimine SP52.7%51.7%30882.7Heavy Tank
Dicker Max52.2%51.6%1 14072.3Tank Destroyer
Stridsvagn 74A251.8%51.3%1 55059.9Medium Tank
SU-100Y51.2%51.1%2 33095.1Tank Destroyer
Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm50.8%50.5%2 88063.7Medium Tank
Pudel50.1%51.2%27966.7Medium Tank
AC IV Sentinel50.1%50.1%57279.3Medium Tank
Tiger 13149.3%50%57557.3Heavy Tank
Y5 Firefly48.8%49.2%94466.4Medium Tank
Explorer48.6%48.9%71257.7Medium Tank
Frosty48.1%48.5%2 25061.5Light Tank

Average Damage

This graph shows VI Premium Tanks ranked by players’ average damage in the tanks.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_avg_dmg plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_avg_dmg

Average Damage - Table

Show table
TankAverage DamageAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle Class
TOG II*1 18055%53.3%49866.3Heavy Tank
Kryos1 14057.8%56%94194.3Tank Destroyer
Churchill Mk. VI1 14056.3%54.3%49267.4Heavy Tank
Churchill VIII1 07054.8%52.6%49368.8Heavy Tank
Blasteroid1 03052.7%51.1%3 25065.3Heavy Tank
Dicker Max1 03052.2%51.6%1 14072.3Tank Destroyer
Object 24499954.4%52.9%56057.2Heavy Tank
Tiger Kuromorimine SP96952.7%51.7%30882.7Heavy Tank
SU-100Y95051.2%51.1%2 33095.1Tank Destroyer
Bretagne Panther94354.1%52.9%78752.2Medium Tank
Tiger 13192949.3%50%57557.3Heavy Tank
Cromwell B89253.4%53.3%62458.1Medium Tank
Stridsvagn 74A289151.8%51.3%1 55059.9Medium Tank
Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm84950.8%50.5%2 88063.7Medium Tank
Pudel82050.1%51.2%27966.7Medium Tank
AC IV Sentinel80250.1%50.1%57279.3Medium Tank
Y5 Firefly73948.8%49.2%94466.4Medium Tank
Frosty68748.1%48.5%2 25061.5Light Tank
Explorer68048.6%48.9%71257.7Medium Tank

Average Kills/Battle

This graph shows VI Premium Tanks ranked by players’ average kills per battle.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_avg_kills plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_avg_kills

Average Kills/Battle - Table

Show table
TankAverage Kills/BattleAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle Class
TOG II*1.0955%53.3%49866.3Heavy Tank
Churchill Mk. VI1.0656.3%54.3%49267.4Heavy Tank
Kryos1.0457.8%56%94194.3Tank Destroyer
Churchill VIII0.9654.8%52.6%49368.8Heavy Tank
Blasteroid0.9152.7%51.1%3 25065.3Heavy Tank
Object 2440.9154.4%52.9%56057.2Heavy Tank
Dicker Max0.8952.2%51.6%1 14072.3Tank Destroyer
Tiger Kuromorimine SP0.8552.7%51.7%30882.7Heavy Tank
Bretagne Panther0.8554.1%52.9%78752.2Medium Tank
Cromwell B0.8253.4%53.3%62458.1Medium Tank
SU-100Y0.8051.2%51.1%2 33095.1Tank Destroyer
Tiger 1310.8049.3%50%57557.3Heavy Tank
Stridsvagn 74A20.7851.8%51.3%1 55059.9Medium Tank
Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm0.7450.8%50.5%2 88063.7Medium Tank
AC IV Sentinel0.7250.1%50.1%57279.3Medium Tank
Pudel0.7150.1%51.2%27966.7Medium Tank
Y5 Firefly0.6748.8%49.2%94466.4Medium Tank
Frosty0.6248.1%48.5%2 25061.5Light Tank
Explorer0.5848.6%48.9%71257.7Medium Tank

Spot Rate

This graph shows VI Premium Tanks ranked by players’ spot rate in the tanks.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_spot_rate plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_spot_rate

Spot Rate - Table

Show table
TankSpot RateAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle Class
Cromwell B1.4953.4%53.3%62458.1Medium Tank
Bretagne Panther1.3354.1%52.9%78752.2Medium Tank
Pudel1.1850.1%51.2%27966.7Medium Tank
Explorer1.1748.6%48.9%71257.7Medium Tank
Frosty1.1548.1%48.5%2 25061.5Light Tank
AC IV Sentinel1.1450.1%50.1%57279.3Medium Tank
Y5 Firefly1.0948.8%49.2%94466.4Medium Tank
Object 2441.0554.4%52.9%56057.2Heavy Tank
Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm1.0150.8%50.5%2 88063.7Medium Tank
Tiger Kuromorimine SP0.9852.7%51.7%30882.7Heavy Tank
Stridsvagn 74A20.9751.8%51.3%1 55059.9Medium Tank
Churchill Mk. VI0.9056.3%54.3%49267.4Heavy Tank
Tiger 1310.8849.3%50%57557.3Heavy Tank
Churchill VIII0.8354.8%52.6%49368.8Heavy Tank
TOG II*0.8055%53.3%49866.3Heavy Tank
Blasteroid0.7652.7%51.1%3 25065.3Heavy Tank
Dicker Max0.6352.2%51.6%1 14072.3Tank Destroyer
Kryos0.6357.8%56%94194.3Tank Destroyer
SU-100Y0.5651.2%51.1%2 33095.1Tank Destroyer

Hit Rate

This graph shows VI Premium Tanks ranked by players’ hit rate in the tanks.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_hit_rate plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_hit_rate

Hit Rate - Table

Show table
TankHit RateAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle Class
Churchill Mk. VI85%56.3%54.3%49267.4Heavy Tank
TOG II*82.8%55%53.3%49866.3Heavy Tank
Object 24482.6%54.4%52.9%56057.2Heavy Tank
Bretagne Panther82.6%54.1%52.9%78752.2Medium Tank
Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm82.4%50.8%50.5%2 88063.7Medium Tank
Pudel81.9%50.1%51.2%27966.7Medium Tank
Tiger 13181.8%49.3%50%57557.3Heavy Tank
Y5 Firefly81.6%48.8%49.2%94466.4Medium Tank
Blasteroid81.6%52.7%51.1%3 25065.3Heavy Tank
Cromwell B81.5%53.4%53.3%62458.1Medium Tank
AC IV Sentinel81.4%50.1%50.1%57279.3Medium Tank
Tiger Kuromorimine SP80.9%52.7%51.7%30882.7Heavy Tank
Kryos80.7%57.8%56%94194.3Tank Destroyer
Frosty80.6%48.1%48.5%2 25061.5Light Tank
Stridsvagn 74A280.4%51.8%51.3%1 55059.9Medium Tank
Churchill VIII80.4%54.8%52.6%49368.8Heavy Tank
Dicker Max79.5%52.2%51.6%1 14072.3Tank Destroyer
Explorer79.5%48.6%48.9%71257.7Medium Tank
SU-100Y77.5%51.2%51.1%2 33095.1Tank Destroyer

This graph shows most popular tier VI Premium Tanks tanks by players.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_most_popular plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_most_popular

Most played Tanks

This graph shows the most played tier VI Premium Tanks by number of battles during the update 11.3.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_most_played plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_premium_most_played

Most Played Tanks - Table

Show table
TankBattlesAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle Class
Blasteroid421 00051.1%50.2%53 5007.87Heavy Tank
Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm348 00051.3%50.8%46 9007.40Medium Tank
SU-100Y310 00051%51.4%26 30011.80Tank Destroyer
Frosty278 00045.2%49.2%39 0007.14Light Tank
Stridsvagn 74A2209 00051.8%51.2%33 8006.18Medium Tank
Y5 Firefly144 00051.4%50.4%26 7005.38Medium Tank
Dicker Max136 00051.3%51.6%14 2009.63Tank Destroyer
Kryos109 00058.3%54.1%6 05018.00Tank Destroyer
Bretagne Panther107 00053.8%52.2%19 8005.42Medium Tank
AC IV Sentinel95 80049.8%51.2%15 3006.24Medium Tank
Explorer95 20051.1%50.5%16 8005.66Medium Tank
Cromwell B86 30053.1%52.6%15 3005.65Medium Tank
Tiger 13181 70051.1%51.5%14 9005.49Heavy Tank
Object 24472 30057.4%52.5%12 8005.65Heavy Tank
TOG II*72 10055.3%52.2%11 0006.56Heavy Tank
Churchill Mk. VI63 40057%53.2%7 9807.94Heavy Tank
Churchill VIII60 00058%51.3%7 2008.32Heavy Tank
Tiger Kuromorimine SP45 20056.4%52.8%5 5208.18Heavy Tank
Pudel42 10051.9%51.6%7 5305.59Medium Tank
Loza’s M4-A2 Sherman35 60050.2%52.3%7 9004.51Medium Tank
T-34-85 Victory35 10052.8%52.8%7 0704.97Medium Tank
Pawlack Tank26 90056.4%52.3%7 1803.75Heavy Tank
Type 6423 80051%52.1%5 3004.48Light Tank
M4A3E8 Fury21 60051.7%51.9%3 5306.13Medium Tank
Eraser BP4419 80053.6%52.7%3 4405.75Heavy Tank
Enforcer18 60053.5%52.8%2 6307.08Tank Destroyer
Magnus17 90055.6%52.9%2 3207.72Heavy Tank
Cyborg16 00054.7%52.2%4 0403.96Heavy Tank
P.43/06 anniversario15 90052.7%52.3%2 7805.73Medium Tank
Spark12 70055.8%53.6%2 1705.87Medium Tank
T-15012 60055.8%52.9%1 16010.90Heavy Tank
AMXmas12 40053.2%52.9%1 9406.42Light Tank
Agent11 50057.8%53.4%2 6704.30Light Tank
Ferrum10 50058.5%52.4%3 1603.33Heavy Tank
Charles9 87053.7%52.6%2 4404.05Tank Destroyer
Dreadnought9 81056.6%53.1%1 9904.92Tank Destroyer
M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo9 62055.6%52.3%87011.10Medium Tank
Icebreaker8 80057%52.7%2 8103.13Heavy Tank
Thunder8 63054.6%53%1 6705.16Heavy Tank
Shadowhunter8 42054.8%52.1%2 5803.27Medium Tank
Aeonix8 15051.6%52.5%1 8004.54Medium Tank
BLTZ90007 97058.5%53.1%2 5303.15Medium Tank
Ox7 15056.1%52.9%2 1203.37Medium Tank
Wind7 06053%52.1%2 0903.38Light Tank
Pirate6 94055.1%52.2%1 9403.58Tank Destroyer
Epsilon6 74054.3%52.3%2 3402.88Tank Destroyer
Panlong6 66049.1%52%1 8303.63Tank Destroyer
Outcast6 65052.2%52.2%2 2203.00Heavy Tank
Titan T24 576 23056.7%52.5%2 1402.91Light Tank
Titan-1505 98053.7%53.1%1 9303.10Heavy Tank
Churchill Gun Carrier5 89055.6%53.6%1 1804.99Tank Destroyer
Churchill W5 68053.8%51.7%2 0602.76Heavy Tank
Triumphant5 59057%52.7%1 5703.57Medium Tank
Ranger5 42057.5%52.4%1 7503.10Light Tank
U-Panzer5 38056.7%53.3%1 7403.10Medium Tank
VK 30.02 (M)5 16055.9%51.2%5179.99Medium Tank
Firefly Saunders SP5 12054.3%53.9%1 4603.50Medium Tank
T214 51056.3%53%1 0404.33Light Tank
Barkhan4 26049.8%51.4%1 4602.93Heavy Tank
Rover3 96052.3%52.3%1 5602.53Light Tank
Rudolph2 91053.7%53%8813.30Medium Tank
Turbo2 24052.2%52.7%7852.86Medium Tank