Tier VI Light Tanks

Show Tanks
GermanyFALSEVK 28.01
ChinaTRUEType 64
FranceFALSEAMX 12 t
OtherTRUETitan T24 57

All the graphs are based on battles played during update 11.4 only (not cumulative data).

The Best Performing Tanks

Highest Relative WR

The graph shows tier VI Light Tanks by Relative WR. That is the average of players’ WR in a tank compared to their average WR at the tier (in all same tier tanks). Relative WR is a measure of the performance/strength of the tank.

Show details
  • All the statistics are about battles fought during the update 11.4 only.
  • The graph shows averages over all the player skill-levels. Well-armored tanks tend to do better in the hands of less-skilled players and thus those tanks tend to have higher (average) Relative WR even in the hands of skilled players those could do relatively worse.
  • The impact of “Stock-grind battles” is reduced based on tier-specific requirement for total battles at the end of the update. Only players with more than 0-152 (depending on the tier) battles in a tank in the end of the update are included to eliminate the impact of the first battles in the tank (with sub-100% crew / modules).
  • The players need to have 10-20 battles in a tank and 20-40 battles at the tier during the update.
  • Average WR is the players’s average WR in the tank
  • Player WR at Tier is the average WR of the players of the tank at the tier. Since different tiers have different difficulty, it is more meaningful to compare players’ performance in the same tier tanks.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_Relative_WR plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_Relative_WR

Relative WR - Table

Show table
TankRelative WRAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerTank type
AMX 12 t0.15%51.4%51.2%3 33057.7Researchable
Frosty0.12%48.9%48.8%1 31057.2Premium
VK 28.01-0.4%49.8%50.2%1 78077.8Researchable
M24 Chaffee-0.62%50.2%50.8%1 46057.6Researchable
MT-25-0.75%49.3%50%2 84068.4Researchable
T37-1%49.2%50.2%1 76063.3Researchable

Relative WR by player skill-level

Players’ average WR at the tier is used as a measure for players’ skill.

Relative WR - 65%+ players

Not enough players to calculate Relative WR

Relative WR - 55-65% players

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_Relative_WR_topN_55_65 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_Relative_WR_topN_55_65

Relative WR - 45-55% players

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_Relative_WR_topN_45_55 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_Relative_WR_topN_45_55

Relative WR - 0-45% players

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_Relative_WR_topN_0_45 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_Relative_WR_topN_0_45

Average WR

This graph shows tier VI Light Tanks ranked by players’ average WR in the tanks. Player WR denotes the tank’s players’ average WR across all the tier VI tanks during the update. Only tanks with more than 200 players are listed. This may filter out few upcoming tanks that are being tested.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_WR plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_WR

Average WR - Table

Average WR denotes average WR in a tank across all the players during the update. Player WR denotes the tank’s players’ average WR across all the tanks during the update.

Show table
TankAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerTank type
AMX 12 t51.7%51.5%5 04055.7Researchable
M24 Chaffee50.7%51%2 23058.6Researchable
VK 28.0149.9%50.1%2 96080.6Researchable
MT-2549.6%50.1%4 11070.1Researchable
T3749.3%49.9%2 74063.8Researchable
Frosty48.5%48.6%2 51060.9Premium

Average Damage

This graph shows tier VI Light Tanks ranked by players’ average damage in the tanks.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_avg_dmg plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_avg_dmg

Average Damage - Table

Show table
TankAverage DamageAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerTank type
AMX 12 t84651.7%51.5%5 04055.7Researchable
M24 Chaffee83250.7%51%2 23058.6Researchable
T3777949.3%49.9%2 74063.8Researchable
MT-2575949.6%50.1%4 11070.1Researchable
VK 28.0174449.9%50.1%2 96080.6Researchable
Frosty69848.5%48.6%2 51060.9Premium

Average Kills/Battle

This graph shows tier VI Light Tanks ranked by players’ average kills per battle.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_avg_kills plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_avg_kills

Average Kills/Battle - Table

Show table
TankAverage Kills/BattleAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerTank type
AMX 12 t0.7951.7%51.5%5 04055.7Researchable
M24 Chaffee0.7850.7%51%2 23058.6Researchable
T370.7149.3%49.9%2 74063.8Researchable
VK 28.010.7049.9%50.1%2 96080.6Researchable
MT-250.6949.6%50.1%4 11070.1Researchable
Frosty0.6348.5%48.6%2 51060.9Premium

Spot Rate

This graph shows tier VI Light Tanks ranked by players’ spot rate in the tanks.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_spot_rate plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_spot_rate

Spot Rate - Table

Show table
TankSpot RateAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerTank type
VK 28.011.3749.9%50.1%2 96080.6Researchable
MT-251.3549.6%50.1%4 11070.1Researchable
AMX 12 t1.3051.7%51.5%5 04055.7Researchable
M24 Chaffee1.2650.7%51%2 23058.6Researchable
T371.2449.3%49.9%2 74063.8Researchable
Frosty1.1648.5%48.6%2 51060.9Premium

Hit Rate

This graph shows tier VI Light Tanks ranked by players’ hit rate in the tanks.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_hit_rate plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_hit_rate

Hit Rate - Table

Show table
TankHit RateAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerTank type
M24 Chaffee81.9%50.7%51%2 23058.6Researchable
T3781.2%49.3%49.9%2 74063.8Researchable
VK 28.0180.6%49.9%50.1%2 96080.6Researchable
AMX 12 t80.6%51.7%51.5%5 04055.7Researchable
Frosty80%48.5%48.6%2 51060.9Premium
MT-2578.9%49.6%50.1%4 11070.1Researchable

This graph shows most popular tier VI Light Tanks tanks by players.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_most_popular plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_most_popular

Most played Tanks

This graph shows the most played tanks by number of battles during the update 11.4.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_most_played plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_type_most_played

Most Played Tanks - Table

Show table
TankBattlesAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerTank type
AMX 12 t538 00050.7%51.3%38 20014.10Researchable
MT-25444 00048.6%50.5%28 10015.80Researchable
VK 28.01355 00049.2%50.6%21 30016.70Researchable
Frosty322 00047.2%50%47 8006.73Premium
T37286 00048.7%50.3%16 70017.10Researchable
M24 Chaffee266 00050.3%50.8%18 70014.20Researchable
59-16105 00048.5%50.8%9 71010.80Researchable
Type 6428 30049.5%52.2%5 6505.01Premium
AMXmas16 90059.2%52.9%3 0705.51Premium
Agent13 10053.6%52.7%2 4605.35Premium
T219 58052.9%53.3%1 8005.31Premium
Wind8 07051.5%51.8%2 3603.42Premium
Ranger6 69051.3%52.4%1 4304.68Premium
Titan T24 575 32053.5%52.4%1 2404.30Premium
Rover4 12052%52.1%1 3103.15Premium