Tier VIII player stats
This page list statistics of players’ battles at tier VIII during update 11.5.
Current WR vs. Career Battles played
This graph shows players WR at the tier VIII during the update 11.5 vs. players’ career battles.
Battles per Player
Number of battles fought per player during the update 11.5.
On average, players played 51 battles. Median was 18 and the largest number of battles recorded by a single player (in the dataset) during the update 11.5 was 5 726 battles. The following tables shows battle counts by N% most inactive players during the update.
Battles per Player table
The table below shows the (max) number of battles played during 11.5 by the X% most inactive players. A reading tip: 10% most active players played more than the 90% most inactive players.
Player WR distribution
Players with 40+ battles in maxed-out tanks
The following graph shows a histogram of players (y-axis) with certain WR during the update 11.5 (x-axis). This graph includes all the players who have played more than 40 battles during the update.
Player WR distribution (all players)
The following graph shows a histogram of players (y-axis) with certain WR during the update 11.5 (x-axis). This graph includes all the players who have played during the update, even a single game. Therefore there are peaks around 25%, 33%, 50%, 67% and 75% and players with 0% or 100% WR.
Average damage distribution
The following graph shows a histogram of players’ average damage. Y-axis shows the share of players (%) with certain certain average damage during the update 11.5 (x-axis). This graph includes all the players who have played more than 40 battles with a maxed-out tank during the update.
Average Damage + kills per battle vs. WR
Share of Battles per Nation per Vehicle Class
This chart shows share of battles per nation per vehicle class at tier VIII.