Tier I player stats
This page list statistics of players’ battles at tier I during update 11.6.
Current WR vs. Career Battles played
This graph shows players WR at the tier I during the update 11.6 vs. players’ career battles.
Battles per Player
Number of battles fought per player during the update 11.6.
On average, players played 5 battles. Median was 2 and the largest number of battles recorded by a single player (in the dataset) during the update 11.6 was 4 415 battles. The following tables shows battle counts by N% most inactive players during the update.
Battles per Player table
The table below shows the (max) number of battles played during 11.6 by the X% most inactive players. A reading tip: 10% most active players played more than the 90% most inactive players.
Player WR distribution
Players with 20+ battles in maxed-out tanks
The following graph shows a histogram of players (y-axis) with certain WR during the update 11.6 (x-axis). This graph includes all the players who have played more than 20 battles during the update.
Player WR distribution (all players)
The following graph shows a histogram of players (y-axis) with certain WR during the update 11.6 (x-axis). This graph includes all the players who have played during the update, even a single game. Therefore there are peaks around 25%, 33%, 50%, 67% and 75% and players with 0% or 100% WR.
Average damage distribution
The following graph shows a histogram of players’ average damage. Y-axis shows the share of players (%) with certain certain average damage during the update 11.6 (x-axis). This graph includes all the players who have played more than 20 battles with a maxed-out tank during the update.
Average Damage + kills per battle vs. WR
Share of Battles per Nation per Vehicle Class
This chart shows share of battles per nation per vehicle class at tier I.