Rheinmetall Panzerwagen
Rheinmetall Panzerwagen is a German Tier X Light Tank.
Player Population
This graphs compare’s the tank’s player population by WR at Tier to other same tier Light Tanks.
Relative WR vs. Player Skill-level
This graphs shows how well players of different skill-level (measured by WR at Tier) perform in the tank vs. their other same tier, same type tanks.
Stat levels vs. WR
These graphs players input-stats vs. the WR they have reached with the tank. The players’ averages over all the same tier tanks is shown in grey. The bars show the 20-80% stat levels within the WR bucket (20% of players will have higher/lower stats than these).
Average Damage
Kills per Battle
Spot Rate
Hit Rate
WR analysis
These graphs shows how different stat-pairs (X/Y) relate to WR (the color coding).
Average Damage + kills per Battle vs. WR
This graphs shows Average WR as a function of Average Damage and Kill per Battle.