Tier VII Tanks

The Best Performing Tanks

Highest Relative WR

The graph shows the tanks with the highest Relative WR. That is the average of players’ WR in a tank compared to their average WR at the tier (in all same tier tanks). Relative WR is a measure of the performance/strength of the tank.

Show details
  • All the statistics are about battles fought during the update 11.6 only.
  • The impact of “Stock-grind battles” is reduced based on tier-specific requirement for total battles at the end of the update. Only players with more than 0-61 (depending on the tier) battles in a tank in the end of the update are included to eliminate the impact of the first battles in the tank (with sub-100% crew / modules).
  • The players need to have 10-20 battles in a tank and 20-40 battles at the tier during the update.
  • Average WR is the players’s average WR in the tank
  • Player WR at Tier is the average WR of the players of the tank at the tier. Since different tiers have different difficulty, it is more meaningful to compare players’ performance in the same tier tanks.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_topN plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_topN

Highest Relative WR - Table

Show table
TankRelative WRAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle ClassTank type
Forest Witch3.03%57.8%54.8%1 14085.3Heavy TankPremium
T28 Concept2.8%54.9%52.1%1 12056.9Tank DestroyerPremium
Pharaoh2.51%54.8%52.3%84570.6Heavy TankPremium
AT 15A2.33%54.2%51.9%63071.7Tank DestroyerPremium
CS-52 LIS1.84%54.1%52.2%1 13058.4Medium TankPremium
Tankenstein1.55%52.6%51.1%1 10060.4Heavy TankPremium
Titan H-Nd1.54%53.1%51.6%24646.7Heavy TankPremium
Lycan1.47%53.1%51.6%60858.1Heavy TankPremium
IS-2 shielded1.27%51.4%50.1%2 74064.4Heavy TankPremium
T291.19%51.5%50.3%5 71070.5Heavy TankResearchable
Black Prince1.13%51.9%50.7%3 52060.5Heavy TankResearchable
Smasher1.11%56.9%55.8%5 23091.1Heavy TankPremium
Hazard I1.09%49.8%48.7%3 56054.0Medium TankPremium
Škoda T 451.06%51.4%50.3%2 35059.5Heavy TankPremium
Semovente Controcarro mod. 19561.06%52.3%51.2%6 31057.1Tank DestroyerResearchable
Tiger I1.05%51.9%50.8%14 20076.4Heavy TankResearchable
Chi-To SPG1.03%51.7%50.7%1 67047.6Tank DestroyerResearchable
M6A2E10.98%51.7%50.7%1 04060.6Heavy TankPremium
AT 70.91%51.5%50.6%5 31049.5Tank DestroyerResearchable
Gravedigger0.84%52%51.2%2 87058.3Heavy TankPremium

Relative WR by player skill-level

The graphs show the best performing tanks by Relative WR by player skill-levels. Players’ average WR at the tier is used as a measure for players’ skill.

Relative WR - 65%+ players

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_topN_65_ plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_topN_65_

Relative WR - 55-65% players

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_topN_55_65 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_topN_55_65

Relative WR - 45-55% players

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_topN_45_55 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_topN_45_55

Relative WR - 0-45% players

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_topN_0_45 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_topN_0_45

Highest Average WR

This graph shows the tanks with the highest average WR at tier VII during update 11.6. Player WR denotes the tank’s players’ average WR across all the tanks during the update. Only tanks with more than 200 players are listed. This may filter out few upcoming tanks that are being tested.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_WR_topN plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_WR_topN

Highest Average WR - Table

Average WR denotes average WR in a tank across all the players during the update. Player WR denotes the tank’s players’ average WR across all the tanks during the update.

Show table
TankAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle ClassTank type
Forest Witch58%55%1 37078.5Heavy TankPremium
Smasher57.5%56.1%6 94082.3Heavy TankPremium
Annihilator55.5%54.4%5 01086.0Heavy TankPremium
T28 Concept55.2%52.3%1 32055.8Tank DestroyerPremium
Pharaoh54.8%52.4%1 02066.3Heavy TankPremium
AT 15A54.4%52.1%78171.7Tank DestroyerPremium
CS-52 LIS53.9%52.2%1 43055.5Medium TankPremium
Dracula53.7%53.6%1 40080.7Medium TankPremium
Helsing53.2%52.4%3 32070.0Tank DestroyerPremium
Lycan52.9%51.5%77455.8Heavy TankPremium
Carro d’assalto P.8852.9%51.9%4 35048.8Heavy TankResearchable
Tankenstein52.7%51.1%1 22060.1Heavy TankPremium
AMX 13 M2452.4%51.7%5 49048.3Medium TankResearchable
Semovente Controcarro mod. 195652.3%51.5%8 89054.9Tank DestroyerResearchable
Titan H-Nd52.3%51.7%31947.3Heavy TankPremium
Vindicator Ultramarines52.3%53.6%30985.0Tank DestroyerPremium
Black Prince52.3%51.1%5 20060.8Heavy TankResearchable
Gravedigger52.3%51.2%3 43055.0Heavy TankPremium
AT 752.2%51.3%9 01047.2Tank DestroyerResearchable
Type 6252.2%52.1%5 69056.4Light TankPremium

Highest Average Damage

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_avg_dmg_topN plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_avg_dmg_topN

Highest Average Damage - Table

Show table
TankAverage DamageAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle ClassTank type
Annihilator1 66055.5%54.4%5 01086.0Heavy TankPremium
Smasher1 55057.5%56.1%6 94082.3Heavy TankPremium
Forest Witch1 41058%55%1 37078.5Heavy TankPremium
Tiger I1 34051.7%51.1%25 60073.3Heavy TankResearchable
Pharaoh1 33054.8%52.4%1 02066.3Heavy TankPremium
Titan H-Nd1 32052.3%51.7%31947.3Heavy TankPremium
Carro d’assalto P.881 32052.9%51.9%4 35048.8Heavy TankResearchable
Jagdpanther1 30051.3%50.7%11 60066.6Tank DestroyerResearchable
T291 29051.4%50.4%9 19071.0Heavy TankResearchable
T28 Concept1 29055.2%52.3%1 32055.8Tank DestroyerPremium
Black Prince1 29052.3%51.1%5 20060.8Heavy TankResearchable
AT 71 28052.2%51.3%9 01047.2Tank DestroyerResearchable
Lycan1 27052.9%51.5%77455.8Heavy TankPremium
Chi-To SPG1 27052.1%51%2 33047.2Tank DestroyerResearchable
T25/21 27050.9%50.5%7 11066.8Tank DestroyerResearchable
IS1 25049.6%49.7%15 60065.5Heavy TankResearchable
Tankenstein1 25052.7%51.1%1 22060.1Heavy TankPremium
M6A2E11 24051.5%50.7%1 32063.2Heavy TankPremium
Helsing1 24053.2%52.4%3 32070.0Tank DestroyerPremium
ISU-122S1 24050.9%50.7%1 47054.1Tank DestroyerPremium

Highest Average Kills/Battle

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_avg_kills_topN plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_avg_kills_topN

Highest Average Kills/Battle - Table

Show table
TankAverage Kills/BattleAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle ClassTank type
Annihilator1.1155.5%54.4%5 01086.0Heavy TankPremium
Smasher1.0757.5%56.1%6 94082.3Heavy TankPremium
Forest Witch1.0358%55%1 37078.5Heavy TankPremium
Tiger I0.9651.7%51.1%25 60073.3Heavy TankResearchable
AT 70.9552.2%51.3%9 01047.2Tank DestroyerResearchable
Jagdpanther0.9351.3%50.7%11 60066.6Tank DestroyerResearchable
Black Prince0.9352.3%51.1%5 20060.8Heavy TankResearchable
T28 Concept0.9255.2%52.3%1 32055.8Tank DestroyerPremium
Titan H-Nd0.9152.3%51.7%31947.3Heavy TankPremium
T25/20.8950.9%50.5%7 11066.8Tank DestroyerResearchable
Carro d’assalto P.880.8952.9%51.9%4 35048.8Heavy TankResearchable
CS-52 LIS0.8953.9%52.2%1 43055.5Medium TankPremium
T290.8951.4%50.4%9 19071.0Heavy TankResearchable
SU-1520.8849.3%50%18 00068.8Tank DestroyerResearchable
Semovente Controcarro mod. 19560.8852.3%51.5%8 89054.9Tank DestroyerResearchable
Chi-To SPG0.8852.1%51%2 33047.2Tank DestroyerResearchable
Pharaoh0.8754.8%52.4%1 02066.3Heavy TankPremium
ISU-122S0.8750.9%50.7%1 47054.1Tank DestroyerPremium
IS0.8749.6%49.7%15 60065.5Heavy TankResearchable
AT 15A0.8654.4%52.1%78171.7Tank DestroyerPremium

Highest Spot Rate

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_spot_rate_topN plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_spot_rate_topN

Highest Spot Rate - Table

Show table
TankSpot RateAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle ClassTank type
M41D1.7350.6%51.5%4 32051.9Light TankPremium
Dracula1.7053.7%53.6%1 40080.7Medium TankPremium
Type 621.6152.2%52.1%5 69056.4Light TankPremium
LTTB1.5250.1%50.3%3 78067.5Light TankResearchable
M41 Walker Bulldog1.4748.4%49.8%6 93061.0Light TankResearchable
LTG1.4151.2%50.9%2 06063.1Light TankResearchable
A46 Different1.4149%49.3%4 23066.4Light TankPremium
Kunze Panzer1.3850.4%50.9%46752.2Light TankPremium
Spähpanzer SP I C1.3249.9%50.2%6 49065.2Light TankResearchable
T-34-85 Rudy1.3251%51.6%22680.2Medium TankPremium
Aufklärungspanzer Panther1.3148.1%48.1%94757.6Light TankPremium
AMX 13 571.3151.2%51.1%1 55052.7Light TankPremium
WZ-1311.3149.9%50.6%3 55045.6Light TankResearchable
AMX 13 751.2950.3%50.7%7 60055.4Light TankResearchable
T711.2849.8%49.9%4 47068.1Light TankResearchable
AMX 13 M241.2652.4%51.7%5 49048.3Medium TankResearchable
Y5 ELC bis1.2346.4%48.5%35554.7Medium TankPremium
T23E31.2248.8%49.1%2 51063.2Medium TankPremium
Panther I1.1850.2%50.3%8 75063.1Medium TankResearchable
Comet1.1849.7%49.7%4 23067.5Medium TankResearchable

Highest Hit Rate

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_hit_rate_topN plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_hit_rate_topN

Highest Hit Rate - Table

Show table
TankHit RateAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle ClassTank type
Forest Witch86.6%58%55%1 37078.5Heavy TankPremium
Carro d’assalto P.8883.3%52.9%51.9%4 35048.8Heavy TankResearchable
Semovente Controcarro mod. 195683.3%52.3%51.5%8 89054.9Tank DestroyerResearchable
FV201 (A45)83%49.6%49.8%1 87055.7Heavy TankPremium
Tiger I82.9%51.7%51.1%25 60073.3Heavy TankResearchable
AMX 13 M2482.8%52.4%51.7%5 49048.3Medium TankResearchable
CS-52 LIS82.7%53.9%52.2%1 43055.5Medium TankPremium
Vz. 44-182.6%49.8%50%3 18049.2Heavy TankResearchable
CS-4482.4%49.3%49.7%2 32057.1Medium TankResearchable
Pharaoh82.4%54.8%52.4%1 02066.3Heavy TankPremium
Black Prince82.4%52.3%51.1%5 20060.8Heavy TankResearchable
T-34-85 Rudy82.3%51%51.6%22680.2Medium TankPremium
P.43 ter82.3%49.3%50.6%2 33047.2Medium TankResearchable
T-4382.2%49.1%49.1%7 12079.4Medium TankResearchable
Tankenstein82.2%52.7%51.1%1 22060.1Heavy TankPremium
M4/FL1082.2%49.7%50.4%66655.4Medium TankPremium
Type 6282.1%52.2%52.1%5 69056.4Light TankPremium
T26E3 Eagle 782.1%51.4%51.6%8 53060.5Medium TankPremium
T2082%48.9%48.7%2 30066.7Medium TankResearchable
Y5 ELC bis81.9%46.4%48.5%35554.7Medium TankPremium

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_most_popular plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_most_popular

Most played Tanks

This graph shows the most played tanks by number of battles during the update 11.6.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_most_played plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_most_played

Most Played Tanks - Table

Show table
TankBattlesAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle ClassTank type
Tiger I2.240M51%50.8%91 70024.4Heavy TankResearchable
SU-1521.530M48.8%50.5%69 50022.0Tank DestroyerResearchable
IS1.230M49%49.7%51 70023.7Heavy TankResearchable
Tiger (P)0.996M49.7%50.1%57 20017.4Heavy TankResearchable
Jagdpanther0.945M50.7%50.4%41 50022.7Tank DestroyerResearchable
T290.800M51.3%50.3%37 40021.4Heavy TankResearchable
T26E3 Eagle 70.771M50.2%51.6%69 80011.0Medium TankPremium
KV-30.760M48%49%41 70018.2Heavy TankResearchable
Smasher0.726M55.6%54.3%38 80018.7Heavy TankPremium
Panther I0.698M49.5%50.2%35 00019.9Medium TankResearchable
Sturer Emil0.685M46.8%49.7%33 10020.7Tank DestroyerResearchable
T-430.664M48.7%49.3%25 20026.4Medium TankResearchable
Semovente Controcarro mod. 19560.638M51.3%51%35 10018.2Tank DestroyerResearchable
AT 70.606M50%50.8%37 10016.3Tank DestroyerResearchable
T25/20.586M50.6%50.4%26 00022.5Tank DestroyerResearchable
BZ-580.568M47.9%49.7%31 80017.8Heavy TankResearchable
AMX 13 750.551M48.8%50.6%31 10017.7Light TankResearchable
Spähpanzer SP I C0.545M49.7%50.4%28 10019.4Light TankResearchable
Annihilator0.541M54.7%53.6%28 50018.9Heavy TankPremium
M41 Walker Bulldog0.536M47.8%50.1%27 60019.4Light TankResearchable

Lowest Performing Tanks

Lowest Relative WR

The graph shows the tanks with the lowest Relative WR. That is the average of players’ WR in a tank compared to their average WR at the tier (in all same tier tanks). Relative WR is a measure of the performance/strength of the tank.

Show details
  • All the statistics are about battles fought during the update 11.6 only.
  • The impact of “Stock-grind battles” is reduced based on tier-specific requirement for total battles at the end of the update. Only players with more than 0-61 (depending on the tier) battles in a tank in the end of the update are included to eliminate the impact of the first battles in the tank (with sub-100% crew / modules).
  • The players need to have 10-20 battles in a tank and 20-40 battles at the tier during the update.
  • Average WR is the players’ average WR in the tank
  • Player WR at Tier is the average WR of the players of the tank at the tier. Since different tiers have different difficulty, it is more meaningful to compare players’ performance in the same tier tanks.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_bottomN plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_bottomN

Lowest Relative WR - Table

Show table
TankRelative WRAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle ClassTank type
Y5 ELC bis-2.8%45.8%48.6%29655.2Medium TankPremium
BZ-58-1.74%47.8%49.5%6 54047.0Heavy TankResearchable
M41 Walker Bulldog-1.69%48.3%50%4 81062.1Light TankResearchable
Sturer Emil-1.54%48.1%49.7%5 79064.0Tank DestroyerResearchable
AMX M4 mle. 45-1.52%47.3%48.8%3 41057.0Heavy TankResearchable
E 25-1.47%49.1%50.5%3 64059.8Tank DestroyerPremium
P.43 ter-1.37%49.5%50.8%1 68047.8Medium TankResearchable
Konštrukta T-34/100-1.3%48.7%50%1 43049.8Medium TankResearchable
AMX AC mle. 46-1.13%48%49.1%2 00052.7Tank DestroyerResearchable
Vindicator Ultramarines-1.1%52.4%53.5%23187.7Tank DestroyerPremium
Krupp-Steyr Waffenträger-1.1%50.2%51.3%94459.8Tank DestroyerPremium
Challenger-1.09%48.5%49.6%3 37052.9Tank DestroyerResearchable
M41D-1.09%50.5%51.5%3 32056.1Light TankPremium
VK 30.02 (D)-1.03%47.4%48.5%1 25056.3Medium TankResearchable
T-34-2G FT-1.02%49.4%50.4%4 56047.9Tank DestroyerResearchable
SU-152-1%49.1%50.1%11 70072.7Tank DestroyerResearchable
Panther/M10-0.96%47.5%48.4%53766.8Medium TankPremium
WZ-131-0.95%49.8%50.7%2 47049.1Light TankResearchable
Leo-0.92%49.5%50.4%4 04050.6Medium TankResearchable
Ju-To-0.88%48.7%49.6%2 30048.5Heavy TankResearchable

Lowest Relative WR by player skill-level

The graphs show the worst performing tanks by Relative WR by player skill-levels. Players’ average WR at the tier is used as a measure for players’ skill.

Relative WR - 65%+ players

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_bottomN_65_ plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_bottomN_65_

Relative WR - 55-65% players

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_bottomN_55_65 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_bottomN_55_65

Relative WR - 45-55% players

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_bottomN_45_55 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_bottomN_45_55

Relative WR - 0-45% players

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_bottomN_0_45 plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_Relative_WR_bottomN_0_45

Lowest Average WR

This graph shows the tanks with the lowest average WR at tier VII during update 11.6. Player WR denotes the tank’s players’ average WR across all the tanks during the update. Only tanks with more than 200 players are listed. This may filter out few upcoming tanks that are being tested.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_WR_bottomN plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_WR_bottomN

Lowest Average WR - Table

Average WR denotes average WR in a tank across all the players during the update. Player WR denotes the tank’s players’ average WR across all the tanks during the update.

Show table
TankAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle ClassTank type
Basilisk46.1%47%66749.3Medium TankPremium
Y5 ELC bis46.4%48.5%35554.7Medium TankPremium
Panther/M1047.2%48.1%70375.2Medium TankPremium
AMX M4 mle. 4547.5%48.7%5 04056.3Heavy TankResearchable
VK 30.02 (D)47.8%48.5%1 73058.6Medium TankResearchable
Sturer Emil48%49.3%8 81061.6Tank DestroyerResearchable
T25 AT48%48.5%2 71059.1Tank DestroyerResearchable
Aufklärungspanzer Panther48.1%48.1%94757.6Light TankPremium
BZ-5848.1%49.4%9 43043.7Heavy TankResearchable
AMX AC mle. 4648.1%49.1%2 92052.3Tank DestroyerResearchable
M-VII-Yoh48.3%48.8%6 22058.4Heavy TankResearchable
Challenger48.4%49.3%5 07051.3Tank DestroyerResearchable
SU-100M148.4%49%3 10053.0Tank DestroyerResearchable
M41 Walker Bulldog48.4%49.8%6 93061.0Light TankResearchable
Magnate48.4%48.4%55049.5Medium TankPremium
E-1048.5%48.5%2 09049.8Heavy TankPremium
Ju-To48.8%49.4%3 68048.4Heavy TankResearchable
T23E348.8%49.1%2 51063.2Medium TankPremium
T2048.9%48.7%2 30066.7Medium TankResearchable
KV-349%48.9%9 76059.8Heavy TankResearchable

Lowest Average Damage

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_avg_dmg_bottomN plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_avg_dmg_bottomN

Lowest Average Damage - Table

Show table
TankAverage DamageAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle ClassTank type
Aufklärungspanzer Panther70848.1%48.1%94757.6Light TankPremium
Basilisk72546.1%47%66749.3Medium TankPremium
A46 Different78649%49.3%4 23066.4Light TankPremium
Y5 ELC bis79846.4%48.5%35554.7Medium TankPremium
Magnate83148.4%48.4%55049.5Medium TankPremium
Panther/M1087547.2%48.1%70375.2Medium TankPremium
M41 Walker Bulldog90248.4%49.8%6 93061.0Light TankResearchable
LTTB93750.1%50.3%3 78067.5Light TankResearchable
Hazard I94249.4%48.6%4 61053.7Medium TankPremium
WZ-13194649.9%50.6%3 55045.6Light TankResearchable
M41D94750.6%51.5%4 32051.9Light TankPremium
VK 30.02 (D)94947.8%48.5%1 73058.6Medium TankResearchable
T23E395748.8%49.1%2 51063.2Medium TankPremium
AMX 13 5795751.2%51.1%1 55052.7Light TankPremium
LTG96151.2%50.9%2 06063.1Light TankResearchable
T-44-8596850.9%50.5%64356.4Medium TankPremium
Spähpanzer SP I C98749.9%50.2%6 49065.2Light TankResearchable
T7199149.8%49.9%4 47068.1Light TankResearchable
Kunze Panzer99850.4%50.9%46752.2Light TankPremium
Type 621 01052.2%52.1%5 69056.4Light TankPremium

Lowest Average Kills/Battle

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_avg_kills_bottomN plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_avg_kills_bottomN

Lowest Average Kills/Battle - Table

Show table
TankAverage Kills/BattleAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle ClassTank type
Aufklärungspanzer Panther0.4848.1%48.1%94757.6Light TankPremium
Basilisk0.4946.1%47%66749.3Medium TankPremium
Y5 ELC bis0.5646.4%48.5%35554.7Medium TankPremium
Magnate0.5748.4%48.4%55049.5Medium TankPremium
A46 Different0.5749%49.3%4 23066.4Light TankPremium
Panther/M100.6247.2%48.1%70375.2Medium TankPremium
Hazard I0.6549.4%48.6%4 61053.7Medium TankPremium
VK 30.02 (D)0.6747.8%48.5%1 73058.6Medium TankResearchable
E-100.6748.5%48.5%2 09049.8Heavy TankPremium
BZ-580.6748.1%49.4%9 43043.7Heavy TankResearchable
M41 Walker Bulldog0.6848.4%49.8%6 93061.0Light TankResearchable
Konštrukta T-34/1000.6949%49.9%1 95048.3Medium TankResearchable
WZ-1310.6949.9%50.6%3 55045.6Light TankResearchable
AMX 13 570.7051.2%51.1%1 55052.7Light TankPremium
Spähpanzer SP I C0.7049.9%50.2%6 49065.2Light TankResearchable
T23E30.7148.8%49.1%2 51063.2Medium TankPremium
LTTB0.7150.1%50.3%3 78067.5Light TankResearchable
M41D0.7150.6%51.5%4 32051.9Light TankPremium
Kunze Panzer0.7150.4%50.9%46752.2Light TankPremium
T710.7249.8%49.9%4 47068.1Light TankResearchable

Lowest Spot Rate

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_spot_rate_bottomN plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_spot_rate_bottomN

Lowest Spot Rate - Table

Show table
TankSpot RateAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle ClassTank type
Sturer Emil0.4548%49.3%8 81061.6Tank DestroyerResearchable
SU-1520.5149.3%50%18 00068.8Tank DestroyerResearchable
AT 70.5252.2%51.3%9 01047.2Tank DestroyerResearchable
AT 15A0.5754.4%52.1%78171.7Tank DestroyerPremium
T-34-2G FT0.5949.4%50.4%6 41044.7Tank DestroyerResearchable
Semovente Controcarro mod. 19560.6152.3%51.5%8 89054.9Tank DestroyerResearchable
Vindicator Ultramarines0.6152.3%53.6%30985.0Tank DestroyerPremium
Silencer0.6251.5%50.9%2 78065.6Tank DestroyerPremium
Krupp-Steyr Waffenträger0.6250.3%51.4%1 13057.9Tank DestroyerPremium
ISU-122S0.6250.9%50.7%1 47054.1Tank DestroyerPremium
SU-122-440.6249.9%50.3%2 21066.2Tank DestroyerPremium
AMX AC mle. 460.6448.1%49.1%2 92052.3Tank DestroyerResearchable
Chi-To SPG0.6552.1%51%2 33047.2Tank DestroyerResearchable
WZ 135G FT Blaze0.6550.5%51%2 60063.3Tank DestroyerPremium
SU-100M10.6748.4%49%3 10053.0Tank DestroyerResearchable
T25 AT0.6748%48.5%2 71059.1Tank DestroyerResearchable
T25/20.6850.9%50.5%7 11066.8Tank DestroyerResearchable
T28 Concept0.6955.2%52.3%1 32055.8Tank DestroyerPremium
Challenger0.7248.4%49.3%5 07051.3Tank DestroyerResearchable
Jagdpanther0.7451.3%50.7%11 60066.6Tank DestroyerResearchable

Lowest Hit Rate

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_hit_rate_bottomN plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_hit_rate_bottomN

Lowest Hit Rate - Table

Show table
TankHit RateAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle ClassTank type
Annihilator73.6%55.5%54.4%5 01086.0Heavy TankPremium
SU-15275%49.3%50%18 00068.8Tank DestroyerResearchable
Helsing75.6%53.2%52.4%3 32070.0Tank DestroyerPremium
ISU-122S76.2%50.9%50.7%1 47054.1Tank DestroyerPremium
T-34-2G FT76.4%49.4%50.4%6 41044.7Tank DestroyerResearchable
SU-122-4476.9%49.9%50.3%2 21066.2Tank DestroyerPremium
E-1077.1%48.5%48.5%2 09049.8Heavy TankPremium
Vindicator Ultramarines77.7%52.3%53.6%30985.0Tank DestroyerPremium
SU-100M177.9%48.4%49%3 10053.0Tank DestroyerResearchable
Magnate78%48.4%48.4%55049.5Medium TankPremium
Sturer Emil78.4%48%49.3%8 81061.6Tank DestroyerResearchable
T25 AT78.5%48%48.5%2 71059.1Tank DestroyerResearchable
AT 15A78.7%54.4%52.1%78171.7Tank DestroyerPremium
AMX AC mle. 4678.8%48.1%49.1%2 92052.3Tank DestroyerResearchable
AT 778.9%52.2%51.3%9 01047.2Tank DestroyerResearchable
Challenger78.9%48.4%49.3%5 07051.3Tank DestroyerResearchable
Basilisk79.2%46.1%47%66749.3Medium TankPremium
KV-379.4%49%48.9%9 76059.8Heavy TankResearchable
Spähpanzer SP I C79.5%49.9%50.2%6 49065.2Light TankResearchable
Super Hellcat79.7%51.5%50.9%2 90062.9Tank DestroyerPremium

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_least_popular plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_least_popular

Least played Tanks

This graph shows the most played tanks by number of battles during the update 11.6.

plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_least_played plot of chunk fig_tanks_tier_least_played

Least Played Tanks - Table

Show table
TankBattlesAverage WRPlayer WR at TierPlayersBattles/PlayerVehicle ClassTank type
Rammer2 37055.8%52.6%7693.08Heavy TankPremium
Vulcan2 40056.9%52.7%6743.56Heavy TankPremium
Hafen2 77053.3%52.6%6684.15Medium TankPremium
Edelweiss6 41056.3%53.1%9686.63Medium TankPremium
Nameless6 84055.5%52.3%1 0906.25Heavy TankPremium
Endurance6 84049.4%53.3%1 3505.05Light TankPremium
Mutant7 05059.4%53.7%1 2705.56Medium TankPremium
IS-2 Pravda SP8 12055%53%1 6205.02Heavy TankPremium
T4210 10051.2%51.6%1 9705.12Medium TankPremium
Lupus10 50056.6%52.9%1 4207.41Heavy TankPremium
Lightbringer11 70052.6%51.5%3 8403.04Heavy TankPremium
KV-1318 60054.3%51.7%1 08017.30Medium TankPremium
Predator Ultramarines20 40053.7%52.1%2 6607.64Heavy TankPremium
T-34-85 Rudy31 80052.6%52.3%4 8406.58Medium TankPremium
Svear36 40052.6%52%6 5105.59Medium TankPremium
Vindicator Ultramarines40 80050.1%52.7%4 3709.33Tank DestroyerPremium
Titan H-Nd41 30053%51.8%9 1504.51Heavy TankPremium
Y5 ELC bis51 30047.7%50.7%11 6004.41Medium TankPremium
Kunze Panzer52 80050.5%51.6%8 8705.95Light TankPremium
IS-2 (1945)64 20052.4%51.3%9 3706.85Heavy TankPremium