mau5Tank is a Hybrid Nation Tier IX premium Medium Tank.
Player Population
This graphs compare’s the tank’s player population by WR at Tier to other same tier Medium Tanks.
Relative WR vs. Player Skill-level
This graphs shows how well players of different skill-level (measured by WR at Tier) perform in the tank vs. their other same tier, same type tanks.
Stat levels vs. WR
These graphs players input-stats vs. the WR they have reached with the tank. The players’ averages over all the same tier tanks is shown in grey. The bars show the 20-80% stat levels within the WR bucket (20% of players will have higher/lower stats than these).
Average Damage
Kills per Battle
Spot Rate
Hit Rate
WR analysis
These graphs shows how different stat-pairs (X/Y) relate to WR (the color coding).
Average Damage + kills per Battle vs. WR
This graphs shows Average WR as a function of Average Damage and Kill per Battle.