Battles per Player
The graph shows the number of battles fought per player during the update 11.6. On average, players played 129 battles and the median battle count was 26. The following tables shows battle counts by N% most inactive players during the update.
Battles per Player - Table
The table below shows the (max) number of battles played during 11.6 by the X% most inactive players. Reading tip 10% most active players played more than the 90% most inactive players.
Player WR Distribution
The graph shows WR distribution for players (y-axis) with during the update 11.6 (x-axis). Only players with more than 100 battles are included.
Unfiltered WR distribution
From the unfiltered WR histogram one can see the bumbs at 0%, 25%, 33%, 50%, 67% 75% and 100% due to large number of of players who played only few battles during the update. Wargaming has an issue with player churn and inactivity. Large share of players play few battles and leave the game. Only small share of players are active like you - you would not have not found this page otherwise ;-)
Average Tier
The following graph shows a histogram of share of players (y-axis) with certain average tier during the update 11.6 (x-axis). Only players with more than 100 are included.
The large number of players who played only few battles during the update are clearly visible in the unfiltered average tier histogram.
WR vs. Average Tier
This graph shows player WR vs. average tier during the update 11.6. Minimum 100 battles required.
Share of Players per WR per Tier
This chart shows share of players with certain WR (bar color-code) at certain tier (x-axis). The graph considers only battles with maxed-out tanks and players with minimum number of battles at the tier (10-30 depending on the tier). Each players’ battles at different tiers have been taken into account.
Number of Battles per Tier
Share of Battles per Tank Type per Tier
This chart shows share of battles fought at tier with with particular tank type during update 11.6. The width of the bar shows the share of battles in that tier’s tanks out of total number of battles in the dataset (259M).
Share of Battles per Nation per Tier
This chart shows share of battles fought at tier per tank nation during update 11.6. The width of the bar shows the share of battles in that tier’s tanks out of total number of battles in the dataset (259M).
Share of Battles per Nation per Tank Type
This chart shows share of battles fought per tank nation Ã¥er tank type during update 11.6. The width of the bar shows the share of battles in that nation’s tanks out of total number of battles in the dataset (259M).
Players by Region
This graphs shows players by region in the dataset who have played at least one game. Please note, this does not mean all the players per server, but just those who have been recorded in the BlitzAnalysiz database.
WR Distribution
This graph shows players’ overall WR distribution during update 11.6 on different regions.
These graphs cannot be used to say anything about the skill-level differences between the servers. Instead, the graphs tell more about the player sampling per server. BlitzAnalysiz[] database has relatively more players from EU and NA (com) servers vs. RU and Asia servers. In all the servers the players sampled are on average more active and better than the true player average due to the way how the player account_ids are being harvested.
Cumulative distribution function
This graphs shows the same information than the previous in different format. The curve tells how large share of players (y-axis) had WR less than (x-axis) during update 11.6.
Popularity of Tank Nations
This graph shows the popularity of tank nations by region/server.
Popularity of Vehicle Classes
This graph shows the popularity of vehicle classes by region/server.